The Role of Diet in Recovery From Drug Addiction

Drug withdrawal is not confined to drowsiness or depression. Malnutrition causes similar problems and complicates the recovery of addictions. Find out why diet is so beneficial for our health. The role of diet in recovery from drug addiction is important and needs to be understood by everyone in the process of recovery.

Many people do not think of eating when entering addiction treatment. Some people talk about counseling—many talks about completing the steps of recovery or establishing an affinity for better immunity. Eating healthy foods is highly important.

How Substance Abuse Disrupts Nutrition?

Malnutrition is the most common side effect of dietary deficiencies. Substance misuse increases the risk that people may be malnourished by reducing nutrient absorption through drinking and other drug use. Many people who suffer from substance abuse disorders don’t pay heed to their dietary requirements and rely on drugs for pain relief.

In recovery, the difference between malnutrition and withdrawal is challenging. Weight loss and weight gain are significant concerns for those recovering from illness. Sometimes people gain excess weight from malnutrition. We can say that it varies according to every individual.


People taking sedatives regularly or using drugs such as marijuana or meth are at high risk for significant weight gain or hypertension. Stimulant users can have anorexia and a variety of other problems. Those that use crystal meth can go without food for weeks without sleeping.

Once the bender is finished, the addicts often have to starve and eat. These drastic consumption practices increase the risk of malnutrition. Crystal meth users are also frequently unable to clean their teeth properly. They are often more susceptible to consuming liquid or gassed foods unless they have lost teeth.


Chronic drinking depletes our bodies of essential vitamins called thiamine. All body parts use this substance – i.e., the heart, the liver, and the kidneys. Without the vitamins, the tissue does not function.

Metabolism increases the risk of diabetes and cardiovascular diseases. Low thiamine causes heart problems. People who have deficient thiamine levels have higher rates of dementia and Wernicke-Korsakoff syndrome. The condition causes confusion and memory loss.


Opioids reduce body functioning, which causes insomnia. Moreover, it inhibits digestion and cellular metabolism. So the body has a hard time processing nutrients from food. Symptoms associated with disturbed digestive systems include constipation, diarrhea, or vomiting.

In some cases, withdrawal may interfere with the meals. Many withdrawal symptoms can occur. This condition prevents the body from using water during its need for fuel.

Nutritional Side Effects of Unassisted Withdrawal

When dealing with substance addiction, it is best to remove all residue from the body. Unfortunately, most people try to stop their habit of smoking and alcohol, and this rarely works.

Whatever the substances and the individual’s past addictions are, it’s the withdrawal stage in which many people struggle when trying to overcome addiction alone. The consequences can be severe when you try to quit your addiction without being examined or monitored by an authorized medical doctor.

How Do Eating Disorders Affect the Body?

A new survey found alcoholics are 11 times as likely to develop eating disorders as compared to people without substance abuse problems. Many thousand people have unhealthy eating habits.

For eating disorders, the lab report for the disorder goes blank mainly. The blood count for white blood cells is low, or the B12 or electrolytic count is low. People with drinking disorders and other addictions have a 10 to 1 chance of gaining an appetite in the next 5 – 10 years.

The Role of Nutrition During Rehabilitation

Counseling is a crucial part of a rehab program. It helps recovery people learn healthy strategies for dealing with complex emotions and behavioral issues. But learning is hard. Therapy must be done before treatment is successful. The psychologist can look for different moods if a person doesn’t eat properly. The dietitian will take part as soon as the patient can enter rehabilitation.

Nutritional Side Effects of Detoxification

Most rehab clients lose weight during detox. When drugs leave our bodies, our appetite grows. Dietarians must be careful in monitoring weight as it may cause weight gain. Eating a lot is also dangerous to our health. In some cases, the increase in appetite benefits individuals who recover from low body weight.

Some people have difficulty eating when they have been detoxed. Alcohol withdrawal may lead to an increase in appetite. Using opiates is dangerous for the body, as it increases the risk of nausea, diarrhea, or nausea. Dietitians must ensure those who recover after relapse are not losing too much weight. They provide nutritious meals and help you develop healthy eating habits. Some medicines used in decompression complicate food planning.

Nutrition Therapy

Once the person has completed detox, it can take many hours to complete an organized meal plan. A balanced diet can often provide a positive result when therapy begins. It can become extremely fast in structured environments. Eat foods that are low in fat. Get more protein, complex carbohydrates, and dietary fiber.

In many rehab facilities, breakfasts, lunches, and dinners will be provided. ARS meals contain balanced protein and carbohydrates. Several meals can be chosen for a client at any one meal.

How Is Nutrition Important for Addicts in Recovery?

To recover from an addiction, they must take good care of their mental health. That includes nutrition as well. Eating a healthy diet gives your body the minerals it needs. This helps speed the healing and maintenance of the vital parts of our bodies.

Nutrition is essential for recovery from addictions. Proper nutrition benefits every function of the body and mind, while poor nutrition leads to stress and ill health and is linked to increased cravings and relapses. Therefore maintaining a good balance and good food should also be taken at a low amount of a packed diet with excessive sugar and fat.

Avoid Sugar

It is common for people to eat excessive sugar, which causes the body to produce fat, which leads to an increased blood glucose level. When someone stops using drugs and alcohol, their blood sugar levels drop, and their appetite for sugar heightens.

When a person starts thinking about sugar, he will begin seeking out ways to improve their diet. This means maintaining regular blood sugar is important in early recovery stages as drastic fluctuations in blood sugar will cause depression and anxiety as well, which may increase the chance that the adversity will relapse.

How Nutrition Impacts Recovery

Many adolescents neglect self-care at the beginning of drug addiction. Many people with substance dependence are affected by various socioeconomic issues, making eating difficult. Sometimes a person may face a demon like a depressive disorder or phobia that results from a bad diet. A healthy balanced diet significantly increases success at recovering from addiction, as it reduces cravings, improves mental health, and heals damage from substance abuse.

This condition, therefore, does not make it helpful to take care of yourself. In addition, eating habits may decrease. In other words, most people with addictions suffer from malnutrition. Addiction recovery is an essential process. Teenagers can take a daily meal for 3 to 5 weeks or have small meals in a weekly routine at a regular pace.

Healthy Foods That Give You Energy

It’s no secret that the addict may feel low energy while undergoing treatment, and it may also be the result. Lack of energy causes many types of problems, such as sleep problems, weight loss, and stress. Food plays a vital role in your recovery treatment, and it’s encouraged that you take these healthy eating habits home with you to protect your sobriety for the long term.

Healthy carbs like bread and cereal provide energy while promoting antioxidant activity. Honey can help keep you in shape by providing you with essential nutrients for your daily routine and health and fitness requirements. The nuts such as almonds, pistachios, and peanuts provide an incredible source of nutrients and have vitamin C and potassium.


A person with substance use is more likely to relapse with poor eating habits. This is why regular meals are important. Drug and alcohol addiction causes a person to forget what it is like to be hungry and instead think of this feeling as a drug craving. The body needs these to convert carbohydrates and amino acids into serotonin and dopamine. So what should you eat to support your recovery from addiction? Plenty of healthy calories from complex carbohydrates like wholegrain bread and cereals, brown rice and pasta, starchy vegetables, and potatoes.

Emmaus Medical & Counselling provides outpatient rehabilitation facilities. We offer effective dietary plans for people undergoing substance abuse disorder to help them replenish their bodies with nutrients. We also offer addiction treatment for alcohol, opioids, marijuana, and other harsh substances. Contact us today and book an appointment!

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