The Importance of Exercise in Addiction Recovery

African american man talking to counselor about addiction at aa therapy meeting

Even though exercise is commonly used to reduce weight and tone your body, numerous physical and psychological benefits surpass physical effects often resulting from an integrated workout program. When recovering from an addiction, the effects may appear. The importance of exercise in addiction recovery should be known to every person.

Because addiction affects the biochemistry of a body and mind, it can increase a person’s chances of being able to maintain sanity. The use of exercise helps in recovery from substance abuse and can help boost the release of endorphins and neurotransmitters.

Can Exercise Be a Standalone Treatment for Addiction?

Physical activities alone are not known as a miracle cure for addiction. The treatment program for addiction usually consists of several components. Inpatient treatment has proven effective at treating alcohol and drug use. It provides a type of residential service providing 24-hour supervision of individuals in sobriety.

The program provides a traditional treatment approach to treat a substance use disorder such as addiction and offers alternative therapies such as yoga, meditation, and adventure therapy. Physical activity should help with early sobriety, and it’s also helpful while overcoming the pain. 

Exercises that Can Help You

Several studies suggest aerobics can help overcome addiction and improve mental health. But there’s no evidence to date that physical activities are superior. Developing studies will be useful in learning new things.

Aerobic and cardiovascular exercises raise the heartbeat over time. Among these exercises are Resistance exercises aimed toward the strengthening of your skeletal system. Make a healthy exercise routine early during your drug treatment program. What are the first steps to getting started? You can reach recovery organizations from around town for assistance.

Benefits of Exercise During Addiction Treatment

Symptoms of alcoholism and drug use include constant fatigue and a reduced level of energy. Many people will therefore stop doing moderately vigorous exercise in their normal life routine. An additional benefit of exercising includes sleeping more soundly. Drug and alcohol addiction can disrupt body processes, including the body’s circadian rhythms which can cause difficulty falling or staying asleep without the drug of choice. However, as the body returns to a nourished, balanced state, exercise will help restore the normal sleep cycle.

Researchers have shown that some forms of physical activity improve physical mental and cognitive functioning in people coping with drug addictions and alcohol use. Research on the addiction of people with alcoholism suggests that putting on exercise can be a beneficial tool to improve their health and improve their recovery from the addiction. Here are some of the commonly known benefits of exercise for your addiction treatment:

Better Sleep

Chronic substance use is known to affect people’s sleep patterns. In certain cases, heavy use of substances can cause sleepless nights. Some people might have difficulty sleeping and for some, staying asleep for long periods. Unfortunately, these difficulties will never completely disappear once you get sober.

The long-term effects of alcohol have been documented and can affect one’s sleep cycles. During early recovery, various physiological functions are likely working towards normalizing after a chronic and damaging addiction. Sleep cycles are usually one.

Improved Mental Health

Depression and anxiety can be difficult for people suffering from addiction. During alcoholic and drug detox, a person can be feeling sluggish and agitated as a result of long-term withdrawal symptoms. This could be due partly to decreased levels of “feel-good” chemicals like GABA, dopamine, or serotonin.

This chemical can also affect alcoholics and heroin addicts by using certain types of drugs and substances. Low-intensity or vigorous exercise can promote brain chemicals that release endorphins, which have good reversible effects. Mental health benefits of exercise include sharper thinking, learning and judgment skills.

Promoting Social Connections

Other significant benefits of physical activity in addiction treatment include forging positive contact with others. These could include other people who are recovering from a traumatic injury, health experts, or other people from their community.

Forging personal relationships can help one recover from addiction. As a result, people are unable to cope with addiction or are isolated by their feelings. It can not often be difficult to retrain a person to communicate in a way that does not relate to their substance use.

Easing Withdrawal Symptoms

Alcohol and drug addiction can affect people’s bodies as they get sober. Long-term withdrawal effects can cause anxiety or depression that may affect the way you deal with withdrawal symptoms. The management of relapse symptoms is a key issue among addiction treatment providers. Some studies show aerobics and mindfulness exercises could reduce withdrawal symptoms among early addiction survivors if they can get off of the drug.

Reduced Drug Cravings

In early sobriety, drug cravings can become a common symptom and can become more severe without medical treatment if they’re not treated. It may affect your mood physically or mentally if you take drugs. People who abuse substances may have difficulty getting by. Some forms of physical activity may help reduce a substance craving and reduce the need for a drug craving.

Regaining Physical Strength

In early recovery, physical fitness can improve the ability to maintain physical strength and build muscle to recover from drug abuse. Strength training can be extremely fulfilling. The body can be moved by performing exercises such as dance or rock climbing.

How Can Exercise Help With Addiction Recovery?

Physical exercise is an indispensable component of a good lifestyle. If you have questions, contact an exercise professional for more details about your options. For those recovering from drug addiction, introducing gentle exercises can help rather than taking more intense exercise activities in an intense situation as well as a more difficult one. While rigorous forms of activity like running may help some people, some might require a gradual reintroducing of activity.

How to Incorporate Exercise Into An Addiction Recovery Program?

Recovering is time-consuming. This requires attention and support particularly in the early phases of sobriety and the initiation into sobriety. This makes people’s work hours harder to gain the benefits of exercise. But introducing exercise into your life does not require a lot of time or effort. Research has shown exercise is beneficial even for short periods.

In many cases, the importance of regular physical activity is underestimated to ensure sobriety. Exercise and addiction recovery are important tools in preventing relapse. Does exercising reduce withdrawal symptoms? Using other therapies to exercise helps reduce the chance of relapse and promotes healthy lifestyle habits. Although routine exercise may seem overwhelming, it takes no time at first to begin to feel the benefits of regular exercise.

Exercise Provides Structure and Routine

Part of what helps reduce cravings is to follow a prescribed routine. An initiation to exercise or preparation for exercises can help you set your daily schedule in the right manner. You can also share the information with someone in the group about the fitness program, with the goal of maintaining a regular schedule and maintaining consistent routine.

During a workout, you will have an easier time defining the time of the day. An early morning workout may help reduce the temptation to sleep early and consume a lot of alcohol. Exercising after work can be a good excuse for not having happy hours.

Exercise Fills Your Time and Thoughts

Many individuals find there is much time to recover after starting to recover because they no longer need to think about purchasing substances. It is possible that free time could be a blessing if it was used correctly.

Exercise is an ideal outlet for these extra hours and can take several hours per day. During addiction recovery, you should usually be happy and active, especially as the initial stages are completed. Following regular exercises helps eliminate the need for split decisions regarding what to do in the free time which can often occur in bad decisions.

Exercise Relieves Stress

The reduction of the amount and severity of stress is critical to recovery from addiction. Exercise affects an aspect of our minds which regulates tension and fear of losing. High-intensity training is known to relieve stress as well as improve mental awareness. Physical activity helps the individual focus on movement rather than stressors, which helps reduce pain. Regular exercise is important in managing stress hormones and increases adrenaline levels.


Substance abuse and addiction affect more than 200,000 Americans. Although easily cured, addictions to substances and alcohol are generally difficult to manage and may also be difficult to maintain sobriety. Recovery can involve several levels of treatment, both inpatient and outpatient treatment. Finding the appropriate care for yourself or someone you love and having the appropriate social and emotional support systems are crucial to getting sober.

Emmaus Medical & Counselling is an outpatient rehabilitation facility that provides addiction treatment for people who are victims of drug abuse. We are highly skilled in providing a healthy routine for you to overcome your addiction. Our main goal is to make our clients feel as better as they did before they were dependent on drugs. Get in touch with us and book an appointment today!

Call Us 423-202-3008