We Offer Top Rated Opioid
Addiction Treatment

Drug and opioid misuse is a severe and debilitating issue that, if left untreated, can even result in opioid overdose and death. Our scientifically supported opioid therapies can teach addicts how to fight their addiction and maintain long-term abstinence. Together with these types of treatment, we also provide a wide range of alternative therapies that control the level of opioid exposure clients may experience. Call our addiction specialists today for a complete Emmaus Medical & Counseling services list.

Our Approach

Outpatient Visits

Our facility is focused on an outpatient setup where people can come and go for their treatments. This way, you can keep working on your daily tasks while getting your treatment.

Individual Therapy

You can get individual therapy sessions to sit face-to-face with an expert. This gives you a more personalized and private feeling.

Group Therapy

Group therapy is an excellent way of overcoming fears. People can open up about their experiences in front of each other without being judged.

Medication Assisted Treatment(MAT)

Group therapy is an excellent way of overcoming fears. People can open up about their experiences in front of each other without being judged.

Our Mission

Our mission is to assist those struggling with Opioid Addiction while using positive, supportive care toward recovery and purpose.

  • Faith-Supported

    We support paths to attain psychological and spiritual wellness while advocating for each person’s unique healing journey.

  • Specialty

    Our primary focus is opiate abuse, as it seems responsible for most deaths associated with substance abuse. However, we treat all addictions, such as alcohol and stimulant abuse.

  • History

    Since 2006 we have been operating and improving at a Greenville, Tennessee, Area facility. We currently have three locations in Tennessee: Bulls Gap and Johnson City. We are continuing to expand as the need is overwhelming.

Quality, Efficiency, And

Our mission is to assist those struggling with substance use disorder.

Drug Addiction Treatment

Addiction Treatments

Opioid Addiction

Opioid Addiction

Treatment for Substance Abuse

Substance Abuse

We Have Helped Hundredsof People Quit

Insurance Accepted

We currently accept all patients, and most insurances. Assuredly, if we don’t accept a patient’s
insurance, we work with them to help keep their care affordable

Information and Services

Call Us 423-202-3008