Is Suboxone a Good Choice: Should You Consider It for Your Addiction?

digitalengagehelp November 16, 2018 0 Comments

Suboxone is a medication prescribed to help people who suffer from opioid addiction. It has been proven as an effective treatment for those who are addicted to painkillers and heroin, but not all healthcare providers will prescribe it due to the risks that come with this drug. In this article, we’ll discuss what Suboxone is, how it works, its side effects, and whether or not you should consider using it as your treatment method.

What is Suboxone?

Suboxone is a medication that contains buprenorphine and naloxone. Naloxone isn’t usually used in medications because of its side effects, but it’s added to Suboxone to make sure patients don’t abuse the drug by using more than their allotted dose or taking it if they are not supposed to. This medication is intended for those who are already addicted to painkillers or heroin, and it helps by tapering them off the drugs slowly. It’s a good choice because of how effective it can be at getting people through opioid withdrawal safely, but not all healthcare providers will prescribe this drug due to its potential side effects.

What does Suboxone do?

Suboxone does a few different things. First of all, it provides relief from withdrawal symptoms and cravings during opioid addiction treatment. It also reduces the risk for overuse because it allows people to manage their withdrawals in a safe environment with medical oversight. This is especially helpful if you have been abusing opioids by taking more than your prescribed dose or taking them in ways other than you were supposed to.

What are the side effects of Suboxone?

Side effects from Suboxone include dizziness, drowsiness, nausea and vomiting, stomach pain, itching skin rashes and redness at the injection site (if injected), difficulty sleeping, or unusual dreams. However, these side effects are usually mild and will go away after a few days.

Is Suboxone right for you?

If you’re struggling with opioid addiction, then it’s likely that your doctor or healthcare provider will recommend this medication as part of your recovery process. It works well to help people overcome withdrawal symptoms because its active ingredients both reduce cravings and relieve withdrawal symptoms. However, if you’re not addicted to opioids it’s important that you don’t take Suboxone because its side effects can be very dangerous for people who aren’t using the drug as part of treatment.

Alternates of Suboxone for your addiction?

Alternatives to Suboxone for opioid withdrawal include ibogaine, which is also used in many other countries. It has very different effects on the brain than buprenorphine and naloxone, but it can be equally effective at helping people through their recovery process. People who are looking for a natural way to get through opioid withdrawal should consider ibogaine, which is often taken in countries like Mexico. However, it’s important that you don’t try this drug on your own because it can cause seizures and be fatal when not used with medical supervision.


There are several alternatives to Suboxone, but it’s unlikely that you’ll find one better than this medication for treating opioid addiction. It has been proven effective at getting people through withdrawal symptoms safely and effectively, plus its ability to reduce cravings can help people stay committed to their recovery process until they’re ready to return home. If you end up relapsing on opioids, then it’s important to talk to your healthcare provider about Suboxone or other medications that might be right for you.

Emmaus Medical and Counseling offers help with opiate addiction. We provide medication-assisted treatments for opioid addictions and can help you or a loved one get through withdrawal safely and comfortably.

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