Some Signs You Are Ready to Go to Rehab

If you or a loved one has a drug addiction, you know the resistance that frequently accompanies treatment. But if you’re here, it’s probable that you also understand that seeking help is the best course of action. According to the National Institute on Drug Abuse, substance addiction is a complicated illness that influences both the brain and behaviors. Treatment, therefore, isn’t straightforward. People can’t simply quit using drugs for a few days and find a cure since addiction is a chronic disease. Most patients require ongoing or repeated care to stop using and rebuild their lives. Knowing the signs that you are ready to go to rehab will enable you to identify and stop addiction and save yourself from its consequences.

Why Bother Seeking Rehab?

Going through detox and, subsequently, a treatment program will help you deal with the addiction’s physical and underlying mental problems. Most people with drug or alcohol addiction have emotional issues contributing to their initial drug or alcohol dependence. The importance of seeing a therapist or counselor who can assist you in confronting and working through these issues cannot be overstated. The underlying emotional problems that lead to substance abuse are far more potent than the fleeting physical desire to resume drug or alcohol abuse.

Your Main Priority Is Alcohol or Substance Abuse

If it feels like substance abuse is at the top of your to-do list, you may need to go to rehab as soon as possible, as your health and welfare are far more important than other aspects of life, no matter how important you may feel it is. At some time, if you keep up your destructive behavior, your health will decline to the point that it will be impossible for you to undo the harm to your body.

Consider this, would you tell your doctor that you couldn’t get the surgery done right now because you didn’t have the time if he told you that you had heart disease and recommended an immediate surgical procedure? It’s more likely you’d stop what you’re doing to have the procedure. Hence, if you feel like your mind is telling you to chase the high constantly, it is probably a good time to seek help, prioritize your health issues, and go to rehab and seek addiction treatment.

You Meet More Than Three Criteria for a Substance Use Disorder on the DSM-5

The DSM-5’s Eleven Addiction Criteria

DSM-5 defines a substance use disorder (SUD) as a pattern of symptoms brought on by substance abuse that a person continues to experience its harmful effects. The DSM-5 lists 11 characteristics that can result from drug abuse based on decades of research. These requirements can be divided into four groups: impaired control, physical dependence, social issues, and dangerous use. They are as follows:

  • Utilizing a substance for a long time or using more of it than is recommended.
  • Attempting to reduce or quit taking the substance but failing to succeed.
  • Having strong desires or cravings to use the substance.
  • Tolerance is the need for more substance to produce the intended result.
  • Experiencing signs of withdrawal when the substance is not used.
  • Spending more time acquiring drugs, using them, and becoming sober.
  • You are neglecting obligations at work, home, or school due to drug use.
  • Even when using damages relationships, one keeps using.
  • Giving up attractive or significant social and recreational activities as a result of substance abuse.
  • Doing drugs in dangerous situations that endanger you.
  • Continuing to consume although the drug is causing you physical harm
  • If you feel like you meet more than three criteria, it would be ideal to seek addiction treatment as soon as possible. Delaying treatment any longer would put you at risk of chronic substance abuse or alcohol abuse in the future.

Health Problems Frequently Arise

People overlook the harm that frequent substance use does to the body and mind when leading such a lifestyle. In addition to having a negative influence on physical health, these chemicals also produce chemical imbalances in neurotransmitters, which can exacerbate any pre-existing mental health concerns and potentially result in disorders like anxiety and depression.

When people battle substance use disorder, specific everyday health difficulties frequently surface. Reduced appetite-related weight loss, digestive issues, insomnia, shaking, nosebleeds, migraines, and memory issues are all telltale symptoms that drugs or alcohol are seriously harming your health. If you feel like drug and alcohol addiction has deteriorated your health then it may be time to go to rehab.

You Never Have Any Money

You’ve lost control over your habit if you never have money and can’t stretch your paycheck for a week or a month. Compulsive use of a person’s preferred substance is a sign of addiction. As a result, your brain places a higher priority on being drunk or high than saving money.

You probably need rehab if you’re managing the necessities like rent and food but don’t have any money saved away for extras, the future, or emergencies. Your addiction might not be serious if you can manage your finances, but it’s a chronic disease that becomes progressively worse, so don’t imagine it won’t get to that point in the future.

Drug or Alcohol Addiction is Affecting Your Relationships

Your relationships, particularly those with loved ones, may suffer if your addiction takes precedence in your life. Because of your drug usage, you can start to disregard your obligations to your house and family.

Addiction to alcohol and drugs can alter how you interact with the people you care about. To cover up your drug usage, you might tell lies, behave covertly, or act violently. According to research, addiction can cause instability and dissatisfaction in relationships.

It could be time to enter treatment if your drug usage is interfering with your family life. An addiction treatment program may support you in overcoming addiction while also assisting you in mending rifts with family members and other close friends.

You Experience Cravings to Use a Substance

The reward circuit in your brain undergoes physical alterations as a result of drug addiction, which supports drug-seeking behavior. These alterations can result in drug cravings, a powerful motivating state that makes abstaining from drugs very challenging.

You’ve probably become dependent on the substance if you’re having cravings. Cravings are listed as a sign of a substance use disorder in the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders.

One of the most challenging problems of addiction treatment is frequently controlling cravings. Even after extended periods of abstinence, people can relapse due to intense desires.

However, addiction therapy can provide you with the coping processes and skills you need to manage cravings and refrain from drug or alcohol addiction.

You Have Tried (Unsuccessfully) to Quit Drug Abuse

You Experience Withdrawal Symptoms After Stopping Drug or Alcohol Abuse

When you stop drug or alcohol use, you start to experience the physical and psychological signs of withdrawal. You might encounter:

  • Nausea
  • Vomiting
  • Diarrhea\Cramping
  • Body pains
  • Headaches
  • Trembling
  • Insomnia
  • Anxiety
  • Depression
  • Irritability
  • Bad mental health

Each individual’s experience with withdrawal symptoms varies according to the substance used, the amount used, the duration of use (including alcohol use), and the individual’s body chemistry. It is challenging to estimate how long the withdrawal symptoms will endure. They occasionally have the potential to be exceedingly severe or even fatal.

The best course of action in this circumstance is to look for a rehab facility that provides medically assisted detox. Your progress will be tracked throughout the program by experts who will be able to offer both over-the-counter and prescription medication to make you as comfortable as possible as you face withdrawals.

Find Help for Addiction

It is essential that you find the right treatment center to help with your journey toward sobriety. While there are many treatment centers all across the United States, we recommend Emmaus. Below are some of the services available for people battling drug addictions at Emmaus:

Personal Counseling

For those undergoing drug treatment, individual counseling can be quite helpful. During this trying period, a counselor can provide support and direction and ensure that you are getting the most out of your treatment. Counselors can also offer valuable data and resources that could benefit you.

Outpatient Rehabilitation

Emmaus gives its patients outpatient rehab. Here, patients will receive long-term care as part of a plan that enables them to continue living at home while also receiving therapy at our facility every day. We work with individuals who are dealing with any kind of substance use problem, even though outpatient treatments are primarily for persons with moderate addictions.


After completing an outpatient program, treatment continues. Aftercare is crucial for patients who require more assistance returning to their everyday lives.

Following treatment completion, aftercare makes sure that patients have the means, resources, and coping skills they require to handle potential relapse triggers. Community support and group treatment, both of which Emmaus offers, are examples of aftercare.

Emmaus is a top-notch drug rehab and we are commited to help people overcome their addictions. We offer a combination of medically assisted and therapeutic treatments to help addicts beat addiction. If you or your family members are battling with addiction, we would be glad to help your loved ones break free from their drug and alcohol abuse patterns. please don’t hesitate to call us for help.

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